DFG On-Line App


Our unique On-Line DFG test of resources

Your Council engages with the client right from the start of the Friendly Forms On-Line App. It’s accessed from your Council’s website, the client is welcomed by your message and the results document gives your Council’s detailed advice about Next Steps. The App uses your branding throughout and incorporates your variations on the DFG means test.

From a management perspective, the App streamlines the delivery of Housing Grants. It deals with verifiable information throughout, capturing hard data for a proper assessment. Clients can send the data-rich download direct to your team, supplying all the financial information you need. So as well as a quick and friendly self-assessment tool, the On-Line App will significantly accelerate every client’s DFG application. You can import it directly to our iQGrants software, with major savings of time and effort for DFGs and other Housing Grants.

A complete means test based on full data acquisition

Much more than just a calculator, the App succinctly captures the full information for every element of the prescribed DFG means-test. It’s quick because every question is relevant to the individual. It’s accurate because it takes all the applicable circumstances into account. And it’s easy because the questionnaire deals solely with factual information about the client. The result is a complete and authoritative financial assessment.

When the client shares the download file, it gives your team all the means-testing data required for the application. If you use our iQGrants software it can be imported directly. Either way, after verification neither the Council nor the client will need to deal with the means-test questions again. Your team can move on to the rest of the application and get the adaptations under way.

Easy-going, reassuring & informal

Our App is designed to help the client feel comfortable in the unfamiliar territory of an on-line assessment. It uses ordinary language: questions are conversational, straightforward and always relevant to the client. Each question is supplemented by further information about the subject and explains why the answer is important.

The results download is a handy resource for the client, containing your Council’s guidance on what to do next, the additional support and assistance you offer, and a record of the answers the client has given.

How is Friendly Forms different?

Custom Design

Accessed from your Council’s website, styled with your Council’s logo and colours, using the welcome, the Next Steps and the contact information you want to give.

Custom Content

The results download for the client includes your Council’s information about discretionary grants help and contact information to progress the application.

A complete DFG calculator

The App captures everything required for the full DFG means-test, quickly but rigorously, to give a fully accurate result. And it’s easy and quick for clients, who are dealing solely with factual information about themselves.

Email the completed questionnaire

The client can email the download, which includes all of the answers he or she has given, to the Council directly from the App. Your DFG team will then have the full means-test data.

Share data

You can effortlessly import the data from the App to our desktop systems, so that most of the work in a Preliminary Assessment is already complete.

Further applications

The Apps’ accuracy and coverage mean that it can be used in other settings. We’ve already had enquiries about its possible use by Occupational Therapist teams.

Innovative systems for service applications

Friendly Forms solutions cover every aspect of the application process, from initial enquiry to the full documentation. They are tailored to your requirements to streamline your operations.



Our Online DFG Test of Resources is accessed from your website and uses your Council’s grant criteria, logo and styling. It welcomes the client with your message,. calculates the contribution and gives users your advice about additional help and what to do next. And it downloads the data to our other solutions.

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DFG & other grants: assess & apply

iQGrants Pro undertakes the whole of the DFG calculation and application process. The Premier system includes your Discretionary Grants. For both, a conversational questionnaire establishes the DFG contribution, captures all the information for the applications, acquires signatures and presents the data in a digitised version of your application forms.

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DFG Calculator
& Smart Forms

The Wizard’s conversational questionnaire makes the DFG assessment quick and straightforward, yet deals routinely with complicated client circumstances. It calculates the contribution, provides a smart form for the Preliminary Enquiry and uses the data to populate an “intelligent” application form.

Calculator & Smart Forms